Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pot Luck Ideas?

I am going to a family party/ potluck this weekend, and i have been instructed to make a main or side dish for 8 people....

these are non-nutrition loving, namely meat eating folks. Other people were specifically instructed to bring green, potato, and pasta salads, and deserts.

Any suggestions on what I should prepare??

Copy Writes?

Hello Blog world that I have ignored for so long,

You know what has been missing in my life that has been preventing me from blogging?


I discovered I blog much more efficiently when I am procrastinating from homework.

So this post is not 100% food related, moreso blog related. I am currently taking an Online class about Online Nutrition Education, and the first assignment is lots and lots of reading regarding copywrites!
I thought this was especially pertinent since I am always afraid of using out peoples pictures on my blog, and always link back to their original source.

I know as an RD, I will eventually need to make teaching materials, and even as a TA I find myself question what I am allowed to use... It's all very confusing! and it doesn't make sense to have to reinvent the wheel everytime you want to teach on a certain topic.

So here's a link for some copy writing myths that may come in handy!

Also Useful is this article on copywrites of internet links! And good thing for me, it is not a copy write violation to link a website, since I do it all the time!

Best of luck blogging and not getting sued hahaha...
I'll hopefully be back soon.


P.S I know I need to locate my camera because my last few posts have been very lack luster.