I work as a research diet technician, and I have to analyze study participants food diaries. So, one day I was trying to find the nutrition info for some Trader Joe’s Product, and the first website that came up was the blog Carrotsncake http://carrotsncake.com/ which had done a review of the particular food I was looking for.
It didn’t help me analyze the food per say- but it did get me hooked on food blogs! My two faves are now carrotsncake.com and katheats.com. I don’t allow myself to look at too many- because I think I would become addicted- though I think by creating a blog I probably and allowing for the addiction to set in as well.
Any way- my favorite bloggers tend to say everything they eat in a day! So I decided to try it out because I finally got a new camera! Nathan and I had one, but it unfortunately was run over by a car…
I figured it wouldn’t be appropriate to snap photos in the middle of class or wherever I wind up eating, so I just took pictures of everything the night before when I pack out my days food. (Since Thursday are my unpleasant day of class 9 am- 9 pm.)
I started off with about 2 cups of mixed fruit, including: grapefruit, strawberries, pluot, apple, pear, grapes and cantaloupe. – The large variety is namely due to Shaw’s discounted produce mixed variety bags. Fruit is delicious, and when I eat two cups I feel so full from all of the water and fiber, but then in about an hour, I am always hungry again, since again it is mostly water, and carbohydrate. To give it more staying power I usually mix it with yogurt, but when you’re on the go its hard to get the most ideal meal (I already look like a crazy bag lady!)
Lunch was around 2 pm: I had a delicious Tofu Sandwich! Made of 2 slices trader joe’s whole wheat high fiber bread, 2 slices barbequed-baked tofu, and some roasted veggies- mostly carrots, and some extra bbq sauce on top.
For a snack I had a cherry vanilla light and fit yogurt with some Trader Joe’s high fiber cereal, and some carrots. Carrots have been on sale the last few weeks at Shaw’s, so consequently, I keep buying carrots. But I’m really sick of eating raw carrots- and they aren’t the most ideal snack for in class since there’s no real way to eat them quietly, so I stuck them in the microwave for about 3 minutes. It was a nice change.
I unfortunately ate all of the food I brought with me before 5 pm, which would have made for an unpleasant night class so I picked up a Superfood Odwalla Bar. It may be green but its delicious!

After class (which I may or may not have dunked out of an hour early :/ ) I decided to have some left over lentils and rice with some more roasted veggies:
And finally for dessert: Some Special K Vanilla Almond Milk, with almond milk, chocolate and butterscotch chips and chocolate sauce:
VERY happy for you that you got a new camera! :D