Warning: This is alot more of me than any of you have ever wanted to see, but it gets the point across:
At least I have gotten a sufficient amount of vitamin d!
So my beach trip yesterday was fun...
The other night when I said I was going to hit the hay early.... yea that didn't happen. I couldn't sleep and then to top it off one of my friends kept drunk dialing me every 5 minutes, and I needed to keep my phone on for the alarm clock.
At 3 my friend Andy said since I still wasn't asleep I might as well go hang out... so I did. But first, around 3:07 am....
Andy picked me up and I wound up in Worcester around 5 am, where I finally got to go to sleep, then up at 7 to head to Gloucester!
For breakfast I hada Chex Mix Chocolate Chunk Bar, since I was at my dad's house.. and that was really the only thing I could grab. It was delicious though.
We stayed at the beach from about 10 am til 3 pm. Then headed out to Framingham, where my friend Ari who I went with works. We decided to get dinner at the restaurant she waitresses at.
Joe's American Bar and Grill. Since we hadn't eaten since our Chex Bars we were starving! and we man handled the bread they gave us.
I then had the Asian Chicken Salad - chicken on the side- which I gave to Ariane. Their menu was very vegetarian friendly. Every salad had meat on it. Normally I hate buying food at restuarants without the main component since it seems like a jip- but since we got Ari's sweet discount- and she wanted some extra chicken- it worked out.
The salad consisted of spring greens, tortilla shreds, carrots, lime vinaigrette, and peanut sauce. It was very good, and enormous, I was pretty full after the bread, but I managed to eat it all- It would have been more filling I suppose if I ate the chicken. It was a bit overly dressed, I probably should have gotten the dressing on the side.
ouch! I am always super paranoid about getting my tattoos sunburnt. I'm sure they will survive though haha.